
"Whether you have been pregnant or not - The strength & power of your womb deeply requires nurturing & tending to. By connecting to our sacred center, we awaken our God given potential. We can heal more deeply, we can live more gracefully."
- Corrin Moses, creator of Wombn of YHWH


The following wellness services we offer to women seeking natural menstrual care, fertility support, pregnancy nourishment and postpartum healing. They are also activities we facilitate during our Wellness Retreats.

Holistic Body Treatments: Spa-day essentials using organic materials. Check out our "Womb Supplies" tab

Ancestral Traditions: Womb wrapping, closing of the bones, prayer & more

Food and Nourishment: Discussing how our consumption choices effect our vibrancy

Movement: stretches, dance and lymph massage

Family Support: Sometimes we are out of sync with our loved ones or have differing opinions. Ideally this would be conflict free. If you need backing or guidance navigating conversations with loved ones, we are here for you. It's not for the sake of "being right", it's finding the capacity within ourselves to love and accept

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Wombn of YHWH
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